Text is below - for further information contact Jeremy Hayden at the Law Firm of Victoria Ferrara (www.victoriaferrara.com).
Public Act No. 12-14
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. (NEW) (Effective October 1, 2012) Any physician licensed under chapter 370 of the general statutes and any physical therapist licensed under chapter 376 of the general statutes shall, during the consultation period with a patient who has suffered a personal injury and prior to any treatment of such patient, disclose to such patient in writing: (1) Whether such physician or physical therapist would provide services to such patient on the basis of a letter of protection issued by an attorney representing the patient in a personal injury action, which letter promises that any bill for services rendered by such physician or physical therapist to such patient will be paid from the proceeds of any recovery the patient receives from a settlement or judgment in such action or, if there is no recovery or the recovery is insufficient to pay such bill, that such bill will be paid by such patient; and (2) the estimated cost of providing to the patient or an attorney representing the patient in a personal injury action an opinion letter concerning the cause of the personal injury and the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the patient, including a disability rating.
Approved May 8, 2012